Chair, Marsha Berkbigler, District 1

Vice-Chair, Kitty Jung, District 3

Bob Lucey, District 2

Vaughn Hartung, District 4

Jeanne Herman, District 5



John Slaughter



Paul Lipparelli



Nancy Parent




COMMISSION CHAMBERS - 1001 E. 9th Street, Reno, Nevada


June 9, 2015

                                                                                10:00 a.m.


NOTE:  Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; combined with other items; removed from the agenda; moved to the agenda of another meeting; moved to or from the Consent section; or may be voted on in a block.  Items with a specific time designation will not be heard prior to the stated time, but may be heard later.  Items listed in the Consent section of the agenda are voted on as a block and will not be read or considered separately unless removed from the Consent section.  The Board of County Commissioners may take short breaks approximately every 90 minutes.


Accessibility.  The Washoe County Commission Chambers are accessible to the disabled.  If you require special arrangements for the meeting, call the Office of the County Manager, (775) 328-2000, 24-hours prior to the meeting. 


Public Transportation.  Public transportation is available to this meeting site:  RTC Routes 2, 2S, 5 and 15 serve this location.  For eligible RTC ACCESS reservations call (775) 348-5438.


Time Limits.  Public comments are welcomed during the Public Comment periods for all matters, whether listed on the agenda or not, and are limited to three minutes per person.  Additionally, public comment of three minutes per person will be heard during individually numbered items on the agenda.  Persons are invited to submit comments in writing on the agenda items and/or attend and make comment on that item at the Commission meeting.  Persons may not allocate unused time to other speakers.


Forum Restrictions and Orderly Conduct of Business.  The Board of County Commissioners conducts the business of Washoe County and its citizens during its meetings.  The presiding officer may order the removal of any person whose statement or other conduct disrupts the orderly, efficient or safe conduct of the meeting.  Warnings against disruptive comments or behavior may or may not be given prior to removal.  The viewpoint of a speaker will not be restricted, but reasonable restrictions may be imposed upon the time, place and manner of speech.  Irrelevant and unduly repetitious statements and personal attacks which antagonize or incite others are examples of speech that may be reasonably limited.


Responses to Public Comments.  The County Commission can deliberate or take action only if a matter has been listed on an agenda properly posted prior to the meeting.  During the public comment period, speakers may address matters listed or not listed on the published agenda.  The Open Meeting Law does not expressly prohibit responses to public comments by the Commission.  However, responses from Commissioners to unlisted public comment topics could become deliberation on a matter without notice to the public.  On the advice of legal counsel and to ensure the public has notice of all matters the Commission will consider, Commissioners may choose not to respond to public comments, except to correct factual inaccuracies, ask for County staff action or to ask that a matter be listed on a future agenda.  The Commission may do this either during the public comment item or during the following item:  “*Commissioners’/Manager’s Announcements, Requests for Information, Topics for Future Agendas and Statements Relating to Items Not on the Agenda”.


Pursuant to NRS 241.020, the Agenda for the Commission Meeting has been posted at the following locations:  Washoe County Administration Building (1001 E. 9th Street, Bldg. A), Washoe County Courthouse-Second Judicial District Court (75 Court Street), Washoe County Central Library (301 South Center Street); Sparks Justice Court (1675 East Prater Way); and


Support documentation for the items on the agenda, provided to the Washoe County Board of Commissioners is available to members of the public at the County Manager’s Office (1001 E. 9th Street, Bldg. A, 2nd Floor, Reno, Nevada) Julie Skow, Assistant to the County Manager, (775) 328-2000 and on Washoe County’s website


All items numbered or lettered below are hereby designated for possible action as if the words “for possible action” were written next to each item (NRS 241.020).  An item listed with asterisk (*) next to it is an item for which no action will be taken.



10:00 a.m.  *1.         Salute to the flag.


*2.        Roll call.


*3.        Public Comment.  Comment heard under this item will be limited to three minutes per person and may pertain to matters both on and off the Commission agenda.  The Commission will also hear public comment during individual action items, with comment limited to three minutes per person.  Comments are to be made to the Commission as a whole.


*4.        Commissioners’/Manager’s announcements, reports/updates from County Commission members concerning various boards/commissions they may be a member of or liaison to.  Requests for information, topics for future agendas and any ideas and suggestions for greater efficiency, cost effectiveness and innovation in County government.  (No discussion among Commissioners will take place on this item.)


Consent Items.


5. A.       Approve minutes for the regular Board of County Commission meeting of April 14, 2015 and April 21, 2015.


5. B.       Acknowledge receipt of annual report of projected expenditures for the Account for the Acquisition and Improvement of Technology in the Office of the County Assessor for FY 2015/2016.  Assessor. (All Commission Districts.)


5. C.       Approve the creation of an intermittent hourly Public Service Intern position for the Comptroller’s Department, not to exceed the maximum annual cost of $14,027.  Comptroller. (All Commission Districts.)


5. D.       Approve the conversion of the Guardian Case Manager job classification, pay grade L, to a flexibly staffed series consisting of a Guardian Case Manager II, pay grade L, a Guardian Case Manager I, pay grade K, and a Guardian Case Manager Trainee, pay grade I (Public Guardian) as evaluated by the Job Evaluation Committee, and elimination of unused or obsolete job classifications as listed in Exhibit 1. There is no fiscal impact associated with these actions.  Human Resources.  (All Commission Districts.)


5. E.        Approve recommendations for Commission District Special Fund grants for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 for Commission District 4 and District 5 in a [total amount of $26,244; $13,122 per District]; District 4 Commissioner Vaughn Hartung recommends [$13,122] grant to Washoe County Senior Center to support and enhance the programs and activities offered at the Senior Center in Sparks; District 5 Commissioner Jeanne Herman recommends [$13,122] grant to Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District in support of renovations and improvements to the Palomino Valley Fire Station 229 Auxiliary; approve Resolutions necessary for same, and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the necessary budget adjustments.  Manager.  (Commission Districts 4 and 5.)


5. F.        Accept grant award from the Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division for the following Older Americans Act Title III Programs: Nutrition Services Incentive Program [$109,985 no match required] retroactive from October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015; and direct Comptroller to make the appropriate budget adjustments.  Senior Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


Community Services.


5. G. 1.  Approve re-appointment of Sarah Chvilicek to the Washoe County Planning Commission, on the recommendation of the Washoe County Commission Chair, to represent Commission District 5 on the Planning Commission for a term beginning on July 1, 2015, and ending on June 30, 2019, or until such time as a successor is appointed.  (Commission District 5.)


5. G. 2.  Appoint Sarah Chvilicek to the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Commission for an unexpired term beginning July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2017, or until such time as a successor is appointed; and re-appoint James Barnes to the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Commission for a term beginning July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2018, or until such time as a successor is appointed.  (All Commission Districts.)


5. G. 3.  Accept a donation from the Greater Reno Community Ice Skating Association [$40,000] to fund an update to the South Valleys Regional Park Master Plan; and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the appropriate budget adjustments.  (Commission District 2.)


District Attorney.


5. H. 1.  Approve payments totaling [$8,944] to vendors for assistance of 54 victims of sexual assault and authorize Comptroller to process same.  NRS 217.310 requires payment by the County of total initial medical care of victims, regardless of cost, and of follow-up treatment costs of up to $1,000 for victims, victim’s spouses and other eligible persons.  (All Commission Districts.)


5. H. 2.  Approve Interlocal Agreement between the County of Washoe, on behalf of its Northern Nevada Child Abuse Response & Evaluations/Sexual Assault Response Team, and the County of Placer, California, for the Washoe County Child Abuse Response and Evaluation and Sexual Assault Response Team (CARES/SART) to provide emergency sexual assault examinations to Placer County victims of sexual assault from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017.  (All Commission Districts.)


5. H. 3.  Approve supplemental funding from the US Department of Justice, United States Attorney, Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) for reimbursement of overtime costs incurred while involved in the investigation of OCDETF Initiative number PA-NV-0266. Supplemental funding not to exceed [$5,000.00] no match required, retroactive for fiscal year 2014-2015. Direct the Comptroller to make the necessary budget adjustments. (All Commission Districts.)




5. I. 1.    Approve Fiscal Year 2015 Local Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) award funds, sub granted through Reno Police Department, [$41,792.40, no County match required] for purchase of Law Enforcement equipment, Law Enforcement related training and travel, and overtime and approve updated Interlocal Agreement between the City of Reno, on behalf of the Reno Police Department, and Washoe County, on behalf of the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office for the management and disposition of the 2015 Justice Assistance (JAG) Program Award; and direct Comptroller’s Office to make appropriate budget adjustments. Retroactive grant period is 10/1/14 through 9/30/18.  (All Commission Districts.)


5. I. 2.    Approve Sheriff’s Security Agreement between the Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority and the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office to provide traffic control assistance for the AMGEN Pro Women’s Bicycle Race [costs to be reimbursed by LTVA] and other various functions, for the retroactive period of May 8, 2015 through December 31, 2017 within Incline Village, Washoe County, Nevada.  (Commission District 1.)


5. I. 3.    Approve and award proposal # QUO003379/7 to Hamilton Robotics for the partially grant-funded purchase of a Hamilton easyPunch STARlet system, including a 1 year extended warranty, for DNA testing for [IO 11103: $74,477.60 & IO 20391: $2,360.88 for a net total of $76,838.48] to be used by the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Forensic Science Division and if approved, authorize Purchasing to make the purchase and direct Comptroller’s Office to make the necessary budget adjustments.  (All Commission Districts.)




5. J. 1.    Approve and execute Resolution directing County Treasurer to give notice of the sale of properties subject to the lien of a delinquent special assessment in the following districts: WCAD 21 – Cold Springs Sewer, WCAD 29 – Mt. Rose Sewer Phase 1, WCAD 32 – Spanish Springs Valley Ranch Rd, WCAD 35 – Rhodes Road, WCAD 37 – Spanish Springs Sewer Phase 1A, WCAD 39 – Lightning W Water System Supply Improvement, (additional description of affected parcels contained in exhibit A of attached Resolution).  (Commission Districts 1, 2, 4 and 5.)


5. J. 2.    Approve to establish two, two hundred dollar ($200) change funds, for a [total of four hundred dollars $400], to enable the Washoe County Alternative Sentencing to accept cash payments from probationers for probation supervision, lab fees and other specialty court fees at two locations, 1 South Sierra Street, Reno and Sparks Justice Court, Sparks; and, if approved, authorize the Chairman to execute Resolution for same.  (All Commission Districts.)


End of Consent Items


11:00 a.m.  6.            Discussion and possible action to establish a process to appoint one member on the Reno Tahoe Airport Authority Board of Trustees, term effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2019.  Possibly including public statements by candidates, interviews, and selection of appointee.  Applicants include: Lisa Gianoli, Robert Larkin, Keith Lockard, Terrence Matter, Patricia Phillips, Colleen Rosencrantz, Bonnie Weber, Bill Weber.  Manager.  (All Commission Districts.)


7.          Recommendation to approve Resolution to augment the Health Benefits Fund to increase expenditure authority in the amount of $1,600,000 for fiscal year 2014-15.  Comptroller  (All Commission Districts.)


8.          Request by the Washoe County District Attorney through the Washoe County Clerk pursuant to Washoe County Code 2.030 to direct the Clerk to submit to the District Attorney requests for preparation of proposed ordinances which are made necessary by new or amended laws from the 78th Nevada Legislature (2015).  District Attorney/Clerk  (All commission Districts.)


9.          Recommendation to approve receipt of a direct grant award [$151,608, no County match required] from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP), FY2014, Project number 2014-AP-BX-0825, to the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office, Detention Bureau. Beginning date of the grant term is retroactive to October 1, 2014, with no end date. If approved, direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the necessary budget adjustments.  Sheriff.  (All Commission Districts.)


10.          Recommendation to approve the Contract for Health Care Services for the Washoe County Detention Facility between Washoe County and NaphCare, Inc. for Detention Inmate Medical Services for the period of June 10, 2015 through May 31, 2017 with the option to renew the contract for two (2) additional one-year periods in the amount of [$5,762,317.01 for year 1, $5,862,317 for year 2; optional $6,061,635.78 for year 3; & $6,267,731.39 for year 4] based on an average daily population (ADP) of 1200 inmates; or authorize an interim agreement with NaphCare, Inc. until a new RFP can be released.  Sheriff (All Commission Districts)


11.          Recommendation to approve the 2016 Interlocal Agreement to Use Account for Low-Income Housing Welfare Set-Aside Funds by Washoe County between Washoe County and the Nevada Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry of the State of Nevada in the amount of [$162,015; no match required] to provide emergency housing assistance effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018; and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make necessary budget adjustments.  Social Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


12.          Recommendation to approve Fiscal Year 2015/2016 renewal of contracts and service agreements above $100,000 to be approved as a group by the Board of County Commissioners and authorization for the Purchasing Contracts Manager to sign the contract renewals, as they come due, with approval from the District Attorney or Risk Management when necessary as follows:  General Fund - Thomson Reuters, not to exceed [$300,000] - Software Maintenance Agreement for the Treasurer’s Tax System and the Assessor’s Personal Property Data Basic Support. SAP, Renewal of SAP Financial Software System Software Maintenance Agreement, not to exceed [$300,000].  Technology Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


13.          Recommendation to approve sole source purchases of computer network equipment, servers, data storage, PCs (personal computers), and printers through joinder with the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) Master Price Agreements for State of Nevada with Dell Inc. and Extreme Networks, Inc.; and approve expenditures that will aggregate to exceed [$100,000] but will remain within available adopted budget funding during Fiscal Year 2015-2016 for technology infrastructure, not to exceed [$2,000,000].  Technology Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


14.          Recommendation to approve sole source purchases of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) hardware and software; and consulting, implementation, maintenance and support services from BCT Conferencing, Inc. and approve expenditures that will aggregate to exceed [$100,000] but will remain within available adopted budget funding during Fiscal Year 2015-2016 for technology infrastructure, not to exceed [$450,000].  Technology Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


15.          Recommendation to approve joinder on the US Communities contract with Graybar, US Communities Master Agreement MA_IS_1040222_4 for County of Los Angeles, California until this agreement expires; and joinder on the GSA contracts with Accu-Tech, GSA Schedule 70: GS-35F-0499N and GSA Schedule 84: GS-07F-0309U  until this agreement expires; for the purchase of Telecommunications Supplies and Accessories; and approve expenditures that will aggregate to exceed [$100,000] up to a not to exceed of [$650,000] within the available Fiscal Year 2015-2016 adopted budget for technology infrastructure.  Technology Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


16.          Recommendation to approve sole source purchases of Microsoft and Adobe licensing through joinder with the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) Master Price Agreement for Software Value Added Reseller (SVAR) SHI International and approve expenditures that will aggregate to exceed [$100,000] up to a maximum of [$600,000] within the available Fiscal Year 2015-2016 adopted budget for technology infrastructure.  Technology Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


17.          Recommendation to approve sole source purchases of radio communication system equipment and microwave radio communication equipment through joinder with the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) Master Price Agreements for State of Nevada with Harris Corporation, Dailey and Wells Communication, and Alcatel-Lucent; and approve expenditures that will aggregate to exceed [$100,000] but will remain within available adopted budget funding during Fiscal Year 2015-2016 for Washoe County Regional Communication system, not to exceed [$1,000,000] all expenditures will require Joint Operating Committee approval.  Technology Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


18.          Recommendation to approve sole source purchases of DC power equipment through Enersys Power/Full Solutions; and approve expenditures that will aggregate to exceed [$100,000] but will remain within available adopted budget funding during Fiscal Year 2015-2016 for Washoe County Regional Communication system, not to exceed [$200,000] all expenditures will require Joint Operating Committee approval.  Technology Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


19.          Recommendation of the 911 Emergency Response Advisory Committee to approve Fiscal Year 2015-2016 renewal of reimbursement to the City of Reno, for the salaries and benefits of 1.5 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) positions with Emergency 911 funds to support region-wide E911 GIS mapping services to the Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPS) in an amount not to exceed [$147,163].  Technology Services/911 Emergency Response Advisory Committee.  (All Commission Districts.)


20.          Recommendation to award Bid No. 2938-15 to the lowest responsive responsible bidder [staff recommends Cashman Equipment Company in the amount of $142,000] for the purchase of one (1) new Weiler P385A Paver for the Community Services Department Operations Division.  Community Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


21.          Recommendation to award Bid No. 2936-15 to the lowest responsive responsible bidder [staff recommends Sierra Freightliner Sterling Western Star Inc., in the amount of $358,800] for the purchase of three (3) replacement 66,000 GVWR Truck Cab/Chassis for the Community Services Department Operations Division.  Community Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


22.          Recommendation to award a bid and approve the Agreement to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the Ventana Parkway Improvement Project [staff recommends Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc., in the amount of $1,016,007].  Community Services.  (Commission District 2.)


23.          Recommendation to accept a Grant from the Walter S. Johnson Foundation to reform the Department’s policies and practices related for foster youth education outcomes effective August 1, 2015 through July 31, 2017 in the amount of $300,000 [no County match required] and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the necessary budget adjustments.  Social Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


24.          Acknowledge receipt of Sheriff’s Office Forensics Lab/City of Reno Dispatch Agreement Review from the Internal Audit Division; with possible direction to staff for implementing the Audit Report recommendations.  Manager.  (All Commission Districts.)


25.          Recommendation to appoint Two of Seven Individuals—Wendy Alderman, Karen Hudson, Debbie Jacobs, Robert Kirk, Zanny Marsh, Theodore May III, or Jennifer Swiergiel—to Fill Two Vacant Seats on the Washoe County Library Board of Trustees, with Both Terms Effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2019.  Library.  (All Commission Districts.)


26.          Discussion and possible approval of updated Citizen Advisory Board by-laws and updated resolutions to enact changes to Constituent Services programs for fiscal year 2016 [Net Zero Impact].  Manager.  (All Commission Districts.)


27.          Discussion and possible direction to the County Clerk to cause notice to be published and posted of an application by Southwest Gas Corporation for a Franchise Agreement to provide natural gas service to portions of Washoe County and to set the date for a hearing on the application including any objections thereto for July 14, 2015.  Community Services.  (Commission Districts 1 and 2.)


The following items only (Agenda Items #28 thru #30) are introduction and first reading of an Ordinance.  And, if supported, the public hearings for second reading and possible adoption of the Ordinance will be scheduled at a later meeting.


28.          Introduction and first reading of an Ordinance amending Washoe County Code Chapter 55 by creating provisions regulating commercial breeders (through a commercial breeding permit) and adding related definitions; and also amending Washoe County Code Chapter 25 by adding the definitions of “breeder” and “commercial breeder”, making changes to the definitions of “breeding” and “litter”, and specifying that commercial breeders must first obtain a commercial breeding permit from regional animal services before receiving the required business license, and all other matters properly relating thereto; and, if supported, set the public hearing for second reading and possible adoption of the ordinance on June 23, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.  Animal Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


29.          Introduction and first reading of an Ordinance amending Washoe County Code Chapter 55 by creating provisions regulating commercial animal establishments (through an animal welfare permit), by adding related definitions, and by making changes to the definitions of “Animal” and “County,” and all other matters properly relating thereto; and, if supported, set the public hearing for second reading and possible adoption of the ordinance on June 23, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.  Animal Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


30.          Introduction and first reading of an Ordinance amending the Washoe County Code at Chapter 110 (Development Code) Article 106, Master Plan Categories and Regulatory Zones at Section 110.106.15, Regulatory Zones, to repeal and replace paragraph (u) with new language re-defining the Specific Plan Regulatory Zone, to amend Table 110.302.05.4 governing industrial land use types to define which industrial use types are permitted in the Specific Plan Regulatory Zone, and to add Article 442, Specific Plan Standards and Procedures, to provide criteria and procedures for rezoning to the Specific Plan Regulatory Zone, tentative approval, final approval, recording, enforcement and amendment of Specific Plans, consistent with NRS 278A Planned Development.  Recommendations include other matters properly relating thereto; and if supported, set the public hearing for second reading and possible adoption of the Ordinance for June 23, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. Community Services (All Commission Districts)


31.          Discussion of pending draft amendments to Washoe County Development Code, Chapter 110 Division 5, and related provisions in Article 505, dealing with billboards and with certain potentially larger and/or illuminated signs that would be known under the proposed amendments as Regional Recreation Travel and Tourism [RRTT] signs, and possible direction to staff on whether to change the definition provisions for billboards and whether to take additional steps regarding RRTT signs, including whether staff should recommend removal of or changes to the provisions for that category of sign in the proposed amendments. Community Services (All Commission Districts)


32.          Discussion and possible direction to staff regarding legislation or legislative issues from the 78th Nevada Legislative Session or during any special legislative session during 2015, or such legislative issues as may be deemed by the Chair of the Board to be of critical significance to Washoe County. Manager. (All Commission Districts)


33.          Discussion and possible direction to the County Manager to utilize two or more hours of staff time to review extending sewer service from Damonte to Pleasant Valley.  Requested by Commissioner Lucey.

4:00 p.m.  34.           Discussion and possible action to appoint Social Services Director after public interview.  Candidates to be interviewed are: Amber Howell, Robin Landry and Michael McMahon.  Human Resources.  (All Commission Districts.)


6:00 p.m.           Public Hearings.  (Note:  Items listed under this heading only will be heard at or after the noted time.  In no case will they be heard before the stated time.  Due to public testimony and discussion, time expended on the items in this category can vary.)


35.          Recommendation to approve a Resolution authorizing a short term (less than 12 months) interfund loan [not to exceed $3,000,000] from the General Fund to the Child Protective Services Fund for the purpose of funding department operations pending receipt of Federal reimbursements and direct the Comptroller to make the appropriate adjustments.  Social Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


36.          Second reading and adoption of an Ordinance amending Washoe County Code Chapter 55 by clarifying the meaning of a dangerous dog; by specifying that an administrative hearing officer may determine whether a dog is dangerous; by forbidding a finding that a dog is dangerous based solely on its breed; by prohibiting the introduction, relocation or removal of a dog declared to be dangerous without notification to regional animal services; by clarifying that an appeal from a dangerous dog determination is made via petition for judicial review; by providing that the owner of a dangerous dog must maintain an increased surety bond or liability insurance; by providing for mandatory microchipping and spay or neuter of a dangerous dog; by making changes to the dangerous dog registration requirements; by clarifying provisions related to the impoundment of a dangerous dog, and all other matters properly relating thereto. (Bill No. 1739)  Animal Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


37.          Public Hearing on Appeal Case No. AX15-001 (Kimberly Kline) – Hearing, discussion, and action on the appeal of the Board of Adjustment’s decision to deny Variance Case No. VA15-002, which is requesting a reduction of the required front yard setback from 30 feet to 20 feet to allow for the placement of a +2,318 square foot manufactured home and a single car garage. The Board of County Commissioners may take action to affirm the Board of Adjustment’s denial; or the Board may take action to reverse the Board of Adjustment’s denial and issue the Variance; or the Board may modify the Variance’s Conditions and issue the Variance; or the Board may remand to the Board of Adjustment for reconsideration and further proceedings.  (Commission District 2.)


38.          Second reading and adoption of an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1000 in order to change the boundaries of District No. 24 (Groundwater Remediation); and providing other matters relating thereto.  (Bill No. 1714)


Second reading and adoption of an Ordinance imposing a fee on the parcels of land in Washoe County, Nevada District No. 24 to pay the costs of developing and carrying out a plan for remediation; and prescribing other matters relating thereto.  (Bill No. 1715)--Community Services.  (All Commission Districts.)


End Of Scheduled Public Hearings


39.          Possible Closed Session for the purpose of discussing labor negotiations with Washoe County, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and/or Sierra Fire Protection District per NRS 288.220.


40.          Emergency Items.


*41.         Public Comment.  Comment heard under this item will be limited to three minutes per person and may pertain to matters both on and off the Commission agenda.  The Commission will also hear public comment during individual action items, with comment limited to three minutes per person.  Comments are to be made to the Commission as a whole.


42.          Adjournment.




Various boards/commissions the Washoe County Commissioners may be a member of or liaison to:


Chair Berkbigler

Criminal Justice Advisory Committee

Internal Audit Committee

Investment Committee

Legislative Liaison

Nevada Association of Counties

Nevada Tahoe Conservation District Board of Supervisors

Nevada Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Board

Organizational Effectiveness Committee

Smarter Region Economic Development Vision Subcommittee (alternate)

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Board

Tahoe Transportation District Board of Directors

Tahoe Transportation Commission

Truckee Meadows Water Authority Board (alternate)

Truckee River Flood Management Authority (alternate)

Washoe County Stadium Authority


Vice-Chair Jung

Community Assistance Center Transitional Governing Board

District Board of Health

EDAWN   (Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada)

Library Board of Trustees

Medical Marijuana Working Group

Nevada Association of Counties (alternate)

NevadaWorks (alternate)

Regional Jobs Network

Truckee Meadows Water Authority Board (alternate)

Truckee River Flood Management Authority (alternate)

Washoe County Stadium Authority

Western Nevada Development District (WNDD)

Action Communities for Health, Innovation & EnVironmental changE (no longer active)


Commissioner Hartung

Investment Committee (alternate)

Nevada Association of Counties (alternate)

Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway

Nevada Land Transfer Task Force

Regional Planning Governing Board

Regional Transportation Commission

Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority

Senior Services Advisory Board Liason (alternate)

Truckee Meadows Water Authority Board

Truckee River Flood Management Authority

Western Regional Water Commission


Commissioner Herman

Criminal Justice Advisory Committee (alternate)

Nevada Association of Counties


Open Space and Regional Parks Commission

Regional Planning Governing Board

Senior Services Advisory Board Liaison

State Land Use Planning Advisory Council (SLUPAC)

Truckee Meadows Water Authority Board

Truckee River Flood Management Authority (alternate)

Verdi Water Service Oversight Advisory Board (pursuant to Interlocal Agreement for provision of water service in Verdi, Nevada)

Washoe County School District Oversight Panel

Western Regional Water Commission


Commissioner Lucey

Debt Management Commission

EDAWN (Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada) (alternate)

Nevada Association of Counties (alternate)

Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway (alternate)

Regional Planning Governing Board

Regional Transportation Commission

Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority

Smarter Region Economic Development Vision Subcommittee

Nevada Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Board (alternate)

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Board (alternate)

Tahoe Transportation District Board of Directors (alternate)

Tahoe Transportation Commission

Truckee Meadows Water Authority Board (alternate)

Truckee River Flood Management Authority

Washoe County School District Oversight Panel